Year 5 blog

Life and learning


on April 22, 2014

Today. as part of our learning journey, we have been debating about moral issues. One was:

Jane is walking down the road when she sees a 50p piece which has been dropped on the floor. There is no one else nearby, and she can’t tell who has dropped it. She has a choice.

1. Take the money and keep it for herself.

2. Tell her parents that she found the money.

3. Leave the money where it is.

What do you think? Here is a picture of us debating this issue and many other more serious dilemmas.


3 Responses to “Debates!”

  1. Daisy says:

    I wouldn’t do any of them .I would give it to charity.

  2. Holly says:

    I would leave it where it is it isn’t her money to take

  3. Victoria says:

    I would take the money and give it to someone who needs it more. For example a homeless person.

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