Year 5 blog

Life and learning

Open Afternoon in Year 5

on July 10, 2014

Year 5 did an amazing job teaching the parents once again today. It was fantastic to see so many parents attend and actively join in the varied activities.

In Miss Pallister’s class the children demonstrated their superb mathematical skills using ‘Maths through Art’. They taught the parents skills in: reflection, rotation, translation, measuring angles and how to draw parallel lines.

In Mrs South’s class the children demonstrated their wonderful drama skills through their work on Romeo and Juliet. They also taught the parents how pulleys work, showing off their DT skills.

A huge thank you to all who attended today, the children loved showing you what they have learnt over this term.

Miss Pallister and Mrs South

2 Responses to “Open Afternoon in Year 5”

  1. Babz cope says:

    Daniel explained that the class solved a problem using smarties, whereby 8 people were at a party and they each were given a smartie. Then the smarties were handed out again but the first person did not receive one. On the next rotation the first 2 people did not receive a smartie and so on. The children worked out using columns how many smarties were handed out in total and repeated the exercise for 16 people, also identifying patterns.

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