Year 5 blog

Life and learning

Homework 5.7.17 (to be handed in 11.7.17)

5.7.17 (ready for Tuesday 11.7.17)


Revise your spellings for the week and aim to use them in your discussions and writing throughout the week. Remember the suffix we are focusing on.

station             rotation                       vacation           relation            variation          operation        

allegation         excavation       humiliation      suffocation      


Don’t forget, we will also be testing you on the next 12 spellings from the Year 5 list we sent home. It is important you bring in your homework book so we can see the progress you have made with these spellings.

cemetery         disastrous        identity            individual         physical            sincerely

Interfere          prejudice         soldier             interrupt          privilege           stomach


Last week, we looked at roman numerals. By the end of year 5, children are expected to be able to read roman numerals up to 1000 (M). We learned that roman numerals involve adding numbers (eg V1 is 5 + 1 = 6) and subtracting numbers (X1X is 10 + 10 – 1 = 19). In next week’s math quiz, we will be writing some roman numerals on the board for you to read and write.


Reading Stamina is an area which, as a school, we have been focusing on heavily this year. For reading this week, you are to sit and read your own book for a minimum of 20 – 30 minutes without any breaks. For you to be able to enjoy your book and really get enthralled in it, you should find a quiet space where you will not be disturbed.


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